1997 Annual Summary of Results under Each Individual Subtask

1. Subtask 1: Investigation and study for evaluating and reviewing R&D

1.1 R&D Goals

The role of Subtask1 in phase I (fiscal year 1993 to 1998) is to assess the results of Phase I studies and to prepare draft plans for Phase II study.

The research plan for fiscal 1997, which ended March 1998, consist of an analysis of the current status of research and development activities on elemental technologies for the WE-NET system, total coordination of the whole project, total assessment of development results, and study on the plan of Phase II.

In order to successfully carry out the research program, the advisory committee, consisting of subtask committee chairpersons and experts from various sectors concerned, was set up to examine the research plans and achievements of individual subtask groups assigned to the development of the total WE-NET system and its elemental technologies. Steps were also taken to find the current status of relevant research and development activities and coordinate inter-subtask affairs through the leading researchers panel which, consisting of the heads of subtask research units, has been established in the WE-NET Center of the Institute of Applied Energy (IAE) specially for this purpose.

Researches for fiscal 1997 were carried out under these plans and arrangements for facilitating their implementation. Major results of these research efforts are summarized below:

1.2 Results in fiscal year 1997

(1) Current Status of Research and Development Activities on Elemental Technologies

As part of Subtask 1, an attempt was made to find the current status of development activities at each subtask group through participation, as a rule, in all meetings of the subtask committees and their development units. Arrangements were also made to gather the latest information on the progress of individual research plans at monthly meetings of the leading researchers panel and to summarize the findings into a concise table every month. Concerning about Research and Development Activities on foreign country, current information about hydrogen energy technology in Europe were gathered by participating for HYPOTHESIS II conference held in Norway in 1997.

(2) Total Coordination of WE-NET Project

Based on relevant problems presented at the leading researchers panel, a study was conducted on inter-subtask affairs that required coordination. Arrangements were made for a problem of cryogenic materials design goals between subtask 5 and subtask6.

(3) Assessment of Development Results and Study of Phase I Research and Development Program

The advisory committee noted above carried out total assessment of the results of development activities for fiscal 1997 and plan for fiscal 1998.

(4) Study on Phase II Plan

To obtain the basic information to study Phase II plan, the Transition Scenarios for medium term of hydrogen energy technology development were prepared and submitted for NEDO and the advisory committee. Based on above mentioned Interim Scenarios, basic idea of action plans for Phase II were prepared through a lot of discussion between relevant people and organization.

1.3 Research plan for fiscal year 1998

In the fiscal year 1998, the research plan of Subtask l is to assess the whole development results of WE-NET Project achieved in Phase I and to propose a detailed Phase II Plan.

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